Posts in : year of the horse

  • Feb

    Happy Year of the Horse

    by Stinky
    posted in News
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    Time, relentless as it is, passes quickly. It may have you asking yourself the question ‘Didn’t we just celebrate the New Year a month ago?’ To answer that question, yes, we celebrated the Gregorian passing of a year. So what makes the Lunar New Year any different? I, for one, do not have all the answers to this question. What I do have though are some things I picked up from various people and sources throughout my journey and now wish to share them with you. The lunar calendar is special because it was not devised nor is it dictated by man. It follows the movement of the moon and is marked (in length and time) by the cycle of one complete moon face to the next. By no means am I a scholar who can discern whether this marking of time is better than that created by man. What I do know is that when we follow the occurrences of Mother Nature (and the immense universe surrounding us) it just seems to make things magical and auspicious.

    So this year according to the Chinese Zodiac is the year of the Horse. According to such trustworthy sources as the internet (warning: evidence of sarcasm detected), those born in the year of the horse are clever and show kindness toward others. They may indulge in too much chitter chatter but overall they are cheerful individuals who are perceptive in their own right and talented. On the flip side, they can be a little impatient and maybe have some issues with temper (please don’t get angry while reading this). They also can be a little nosy by interfering where it isn’t required and is a 90% person – meaning they never finish what they start.

    In all honesty, how is it possible to generalize countless number of people born in different places, raised in different cultures and with a different status quo? It’s almost impossible. So if I were you, I would most likely take these words with a grain of salt. Nourish the positive and improve on the negative – well that’s the way I see it. All of the team at stinkythepig wish everyone a safe and fulfilling new year. We hope that joy and happiness plays a pivotal role in enriching your lives.

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    stinky – happy year of the horse

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