Posts in : Warm Embrace

  • May


    by Stinky
    posted in News
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    I would like to express my sincerest apologies for not posting anything last week. It was my birthday so I decided to take a short break and visit Hobart – The Land that the rest of Australia had forgotten. I was quite excited to visit the place despite all the warnings I received from other people. They warned me that I should be prepared for the worst. And by worst they meant that the place was a sleepy town, a cold town, an extremely boring town. So it wasn’t much of a surprise when the place lived up to its reputation.

    My biggest regret was not bringing Stinky along for the ride. It would have been an amazing place to take some memorable photos with him. But sometimes you just have to go and experience things for yourself. Ok so it’s a town that is quiet with not much to do any time of the day. But once you get used to this fact it was quite a lovely place to be. Yes it was cold and yes it did rain but it was like relaxation had come along and had given you a big warm embrace. It was a great place to relax, a place where you can get away with doing absolutely nothing and a place where you could enjoy what Mother Nature was kind enough to offer.

    stinkythepig tasmania 1 450x337 Tasmania stinkythepig tasmania 2 450x297 Tasmania stinkythepig tasmania 3 450x297 Tasmania

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