Posts in : Universe

  • Jul

    Time Abroad

    by Stinky
    posted in News
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    Hey guys. It has been exactly one week since departing from Sydney so let us recap on some of the places I have been so far. First stop was Singapore. I know what you’re all thinking. You must be saying ‘again?’ so my answer in response to your question (that I made up) is ‘why not?’ Answering a question with a question is probably the most distasteful thing to do but it’s the best I have so please excuse my lack of creativity. It was hot as usual but not as hot as it was when I was there in April. I didn’t really do much other than walk around. When I travel I like to immerse myself into the local culture so I try my utmost to blend in. I don’t carry around a camera, I don’t walk around with a bag and most importantly I do not do what 90% of the other tourists do. I only spent a couple of days there because I tried my best to squeeze in a shop stopover in Hong Kong prior returning to my home away from home (well that’s what it feels like anyway).

    Hong Kong was humid and hot and rainy. It was a good excuse to go around town shopping. But much to my dismay, I didn’t find a single thing I wanted to buy. It was kind of disappointing given that fact that my sole purpose in HK was to shop. But nonetheless, I still had a good time going head to head with the local rudeness, shooing away the salespeople trying to tailor make me a suit and making the most of my Octopus Card. So after a quick 2 days I was on my way to my favourite place in the universe. It was only a short 1.5 hour flight but as we ascended into the storm ridden clouds, I experienced the worst turbulence of my life. I literally held onto my seat and tightened my usually loose seatbelt. Fifteen minutes later, the turbulence subsided and I continued to live life without fearing death (lol).

    I’m in Taipei at the moment but I did get the opportunity the other day to go down south and visit a couple of friends of mine. This time I did not give them any warning and surprised them at their shop. But the spontaneity of this sort of died when I arrived and they were out to lunch. I sat like a homeless man (albeit with good shoes) in front of their shop on one of the main roads and waited. They eventually arrived and we had a good time catching up. Coming back to this country really makes me realise how much I connect with everything here. I keep telling myself that one time during my life, I need to move here and live here and learn more about this place I have fell in love with. I know it’s not Sydney – some streets smell, the weather is terrible, no blue skies, traffic is chaotic but there is a unique beauty in all of these aspects. I don’t want to go home…

    I will leave it here for now and will write more about my time in Taiwan next week. For now, please take care.


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  • Mar

    Big ears are meant for listening

    by Stinky
    posted in News
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    There was something that came to me recently. People like to tell me their problems. And what makes this an even better recipe is that I don’t mind listening. Previous experiences have taught me that the key to any relationship (friends, family and/or lovers) is that you need to listen with your heart rather than your ears. When we hear things, we don’t really take into consideration body language or eye contact or facial expressions. We hear the words and sometimes brush it off as a non-event. The times where we actually put ourselves into someone else life and empathise with every aspect, we soon start to realise that problems that may seem trivial to us are quite the opposite when you are the one involved.

    So this post wasn’t really about telling everyone to go and get their ears checked. It was more to open our eyes, ears and hearts to the people around us. Too often do we see the consequences – relationships ending, family members becoming estranged and the friends who unfriend one another. All we are saying is to put a little more effort into something which should come natural to us – and that is to care for those worth caring for. Give a little of your time to listen. Don’t be the person that is always too busy to do anything. The most precious thing in this universe is time because when it passes it doesn’t come back. You all knew this but it is good to be reminded. So why don’t you share the most precious treasure and give a little of your time to others.

    Something worth thinking about. Take care.

    Stinky Listen 450x297 Big ears are meant for listening


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