Posts in : stranger

  • Mar

    Life is precious

    by Stinky
    posted in News
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    As the title of this post suggests, life, in itself is precious. It is short. It is unpredictable. It is rewarding and it is at times filled with disappointment. But regardless of what we experience in this life, whether it is indulgent or empty – life is only precious when we live it. There are times where you sit and ponder about the past – what worked and what didn’t. You think of people, events and things that made you happy. You think of those morose moments and the lows you experienced. You think of a hundred million things until you realise that you are much better off now, than you ever were before. History is best left in the past, the present is yours to unwrap, the future is yours to imagine.

    This post may seem a little left field but I felt the need to express what has been bugging me. I look at the world in its current state and it worries me knowing that there is so much uncertainty out there. The immediate future looks gloomy. I turn on the television and the first things I see and hear are tragic. We spend our days worrying about earning money so that we can buy things we don’t use. We worry about a stranger’s perception of us and whether or not we smell pleasant. We are apprehensive over things that mean little to nothing in the overall scheme of things. Is change required? I think so. But what needs to change and what can we control? I’d say the best place to start is with us.

    Spread some hope – we all need it.

    This post is dedicated to the innocent people who lost their lives at the Kunming Railway Station in China and the unsuspecting victims of the recent Malaysian Airlines crash.


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  • Aug


    by Stinky
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    Last week as I was catching up on the news, I came across an article that really touched my heart. I’m not sure if any of you have heard about it or even read it. Author George Saunders recently gave a speech to a group of willful students graduating from university. I’m sure there would be some of you who have attended countless graduations and heard similar renditions of a well-wishing farewell speech to a bunch of kids who have no idea how the real world works. So what was so different about this particular speech that made me really think about life – more importantly my own life – and the things that I could have done to be a little bit kinder to family, a friend, a partner or simply a stranger. But before I talk about the lines that really hit me, I want to encourage you to read the speech for yourself to see whether there is any impact on you.

    You can read the full speech here:

    So what did you guys think? I’m really hoping that it left an impression with you in some way.  The speech in its entirety is phenomenal. There is an element to it that I found to be extremely personal, real and raw. What really stood out to me are the following two lines:

    1.       What I regret most in my life are failures of kindness.

    2.       Do those things that incline you toward the big questions, and avoid the things that would reduce you and make you trivial.

    Too often do we all look back at previous experiences and regret one thing or another. But in all honesty I had never questioned myself and asked whether I could have been a little kinder to someone that I had just met or a loved one or a colleague who had made a silly mistake. I look back now and realise that these times where I was easily angered mean absolutely nothing now. Oh how we are masters in hindsight. Such is the fault of being human. But you know what? We can change this starting from today. We can look forward and think about all the things we can gradually do to make not only our life better, but the lives of others too – a smile, a hello or good morning, a shake of the hands, a sporadic high five.

    I know this post may sound a little corny and resembles that of a self-help topic. I assure you that it is not. I simply wanted to share how much this opened my eyes to something that I had never thought of. I really hope that in way or another, it brings a little clarity to your life. Take care!
    stinkythepig japan 3 Medium e1375793518506 297x450 Kindness


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  • Apr

    Some things never change

    by Stinky
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    As far as the wind was concerned, it didn’t really have any regard towards the feelings of others. For those who feared the cold, it would howl and hiss and puff. There were others who liked the wind and they welcomed the gust that graced their skin. Others were indifferent whereby loving it or loathing it were things that never even crossed their minds. But no matter who you were, and whether your felt or heard or saw the wind, it remains constant – it will always exist.

    The sun was no different. It had no enemies because whether living or inanimate, there wasn’t anything that could ever best its fervor to remain hot. Ever unchanging to the whims of others, the sun remained what it was meant to be and that was to be a never ending source of light and heat. There are all sorts of different people who choose to live life the way they know best. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re a criminal or gangster, mother, father, sister, friend, teacher, hero, loser or winner because whichever life is chosen the sun will still shine on you. It will not discriminate based on size, colour, wealth or power because this ever unchanging provider is a lover of all beings.

    So what do you get when you combine the wind and the sun?


    Too often than not, trouble seems to find its way into everyone’s life. And although it is something that is relative to each individual’s circumstances, the feelings experienced are real. Sorrow. Torment. Displaced. There would be some that say hope does not exist or hope has let them down. But contrary to what most may think during times spent at the bottom of the sea, hope is ever-present and unchanged – it exists.

    Hope is also something that does not discriminate. It opens itself to everyone so long as they are willing to let it in. It cannot be defeated because hope, in the end, always triumphs. It comes in all shapes and sizes and usually engulfs you when you least expect it. It could be a hug from a stranger, a phone call from an old friend, a rekindling of a past flame or a simple smile. Regardless of what it is, it is powerful and warm and precious.

    Something to think about…

    Stinky In the Air 450x297 Some things never change

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  • Nov

    Stinky the Cat

    by Stinky
    posted in Stories
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    This edition of Stinky is dedicated to the faceless heroes – to all the people who do unseen acts of kindness and are never rewarded or acknowledged for them. We believe the world benefits from their acts and we would like to acknowledge all of them. It is through these selfless individuals that really help us realise our true potential as a collective. Cheers to you all! So how do we repay these phantom doers of good? Continue in their footsteps and show the same kindness towards a stranger. I’m sure they would be over the moon. We gain the most, when we give.


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