Posts in : smile

  • Mar

    A Pleasant Reminder

    by Stinky
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    There are times where you tend to forget about what you should be doing. We tend to lose ourselves when we get trapped by what we call routine. Sometimes there is a way out; other times there is no way out. But for most of us, we are lucky enough to have loving friends and family who pull us out and make us pay attention to what is great and wonderful and perfect.

    A good friend of mine recently showed me something I wrote almost a year back. It was brief but very powerful now. Let me share a little of it with you

    This time last year the devastating tsunami struck Japan. I will always remember it because I was there. During times of crisis, we tend to forget about all the small things which we believe make up our lives (ie. work, study etc). I know for me, I was thinking about my loved ones – family, partner, friends. You tend to think about the memories you shared and the time spent with one another.

    Having read it again, I’m not really sure what to write. All I can say is hug your loved ones a little tighter, tell your friends that you appreciate them, let random people be touched by your smile.

    One last thing, since the launch of the website, we have had over 2300 visitors and a whopping 15000+ page views. We are more than pleased to have been able to provide content which is interesting enough for you to read. We hope that you continue to visit as it inspires us to write more.

    That is all for now. Stay safe!

    Stinky the pig A Pleasant Surprise 450x297 A Pleasant Reminder


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  • Dec


    by Stinky
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    The lady was saying all sorts of things to me, giving me instructions even, yet I did not hear a thing. It could have been instructions on what to do to stay safe, but I ignored her because I was too occupied reminiscing. This might sound strange to you, but it will all make sense in a short while.

    ‘Would you like to take out personal accident insurance?’

    SAY WHAT? Ok, so I’ll cut the suspense now and let you know that I went skydiving. And as fun as it sounds, I was completely and utterly terrified. I have never been so scared in my life. So a few of my closest friends picked me up and drove me out west to Sydney Skydiving Centre. It was a horrible car ride. Usually I am quite excited to go out with my good mates, but this ride was eerily silent. I had butterflies in my tummy and felt nauseas to a degree. Not to mention it was nearing 40 degrees on the thermometer too! What a way to start the weekend.

    So we arrived and I registered for the jump – alone… Waited for a little while then suited up, harness on and after an awkward meeting with the guy who I was going to tandem with, we headed out to the runway where we boarded a tin can… I mean a plane that rattled like a tin can. There were so many jumpers we squeezed in the tin can like sardines – quite a good analogy I think. The plane took off and there was NO TURNING BACK. Reminds me of those moments in your life where you make a decision, take action, realise it may not have been the best course of action, but also know it is too late to stop. I am sure we have all experienced something like this.

    I think back to my friends who were completely safe on solid ground and then realised that I didn’t say ‘bye’ to them. All I gave them was a reluctant smile, a half-hearted wave and I was off. So we are sitting in the plane, looking at one another, whilst I was trying my best not to be nervous. I look up and see 3 lights. On one it said ‘3 minutes’, the other was ‘1 minute’ and the green light read ‘GO!’

    My stomach sunk when the 3 minute light turned on. Buckles were being clipped in, straps were being tightened, my nerves flared up like a pimple does on your nose when you need to look your best. I start praying. The 1 minute light comes on. My mind starts to spin. I look out the window and can see the cloud line. I look up to the ceiling and pray again.


    People start jumping out of the plane as if it were on fire. The speed in which they opened the hatch door and the speed in which they made their exit made me realise one thing. THERE WERE NO JUMPERS LEFT. It was my turn. I was pushed to the opening door, made to sit down with my legs dangling outside of the plane. Before I knew it…………


    Adrenalin. Fear. Excitement. Falling. What an exhilarating experience. It felt like I was floating in the air without a worry in the world – well except for the fact that in mere moments I could become a human pancake. But apart from that the view was spectacular; the feeling of freefall is universally outstanding. The chute was released, it twisted and turned and untangled itself then a big WHOOP sound was heard. It had opened – biggest relief in my life. So as we floated in the air, casually enjoying the view from a few thousand feet up, I was amazed at how great I was feeling. Nothing could compare to the feeling of falling.

    So we drifted and drifted while he was flying us back to the landing site. He turned the parachute so that we would slide in right in front of my friends. I lifted my legs up as instructed and we slid as we landed. I was extremely happy. He unbuckled me and I immediately gave him a hug. He asked me what was the best part of the jump, and of course I said ‘LANDING!’

    We all had a great laugh at my expense but nevertheless, it is an experience that I will never forget. I want to thank all of my friends who encouraged me to jump. There is no better way to actually ‘let go’ than to fall and realise that there are only a handful of things in life that really matter. And that is sharing, giving and love. Everything else just seems so minute. Don’t you reckon?

    And since we are on the topic of falling, the stinkythepig plush toys will be arriving around December 15th. HOW EXCITING!!! Our site will be updated shortly to take pre-orders. We want to do it this way so that when we get our hands on the toys, we will be able to get them out to you all as soon as possible. We’ll let you know exactly when the site is updated to cater for this. So until then, stay excited! And remember! Share something special with the people you care about.

    Take care.

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  • Nov

    Take me home with you

    by Stinky
    posted in News
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    Before you say anything, let me start first. THEY TURNED ME THREE DIMENSIONAL.

    Ok, so what were you going to say?

    The team are proud to introduce to you the first ever stinkythepig plush toy. Now everyone will be able to take home a little love and laughter. We hope to be able to have them ready to send to you prior to Christmas. It is super-duper exciting! We’ll make sure to keep you all updated with all the information you need to get your hands on such a cute piece of Stinky history!

    So when Stinky the plush toy arrived, we decided to take him on his very first trip to Melbourne. Why you ask? Well… why not? We took him on the train and then on the plane. One thing that really stood out to us was that whenever people saw Stinky, they just smiled. So that really reinforces our mission of bettering the world one smile at a time.

    Christmas is almost upon us. We have another special surprise for you all. We are going to remain a little tight-lipped about it however; we can let you know that there may be a special visit by a certain pig with a white beard and a certain pig with a red nose.

    That’s all from us this week. Some pretty great things to look forward to.

    Wishing you well!

    From the team at stinkythepig.

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