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  • Aug

    Whale Sharks

    by Stinky
    posted in News
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    Ok so the last post I mentioned that I went to the aquarium in Osaka to see whale sharks. Wow, just thinking about them now just makes me filled with all sorts of happy stuff. So you might be wondering ‘where were all the photos hey?’ I have to scrounge around and find the best ones to post because taking clear photos through 30cm perspex is kind of hard. Here are the best ones we could find!

    Whale sharks weren’t the only form on sea life in the aquarium though. Stinky took a photo in front of a creepy looking king crab. It almost looks as though he went on holidays to another planet. The sad thing about the whole experience was knowing that many forms of sea life are dwindling in numbers due to over fishing and reckless forms of fishing such as dredging and the use of explosives. Some people would even tell you that the health of the oceans is a reflection of the health of the land. Having said all this, I’m not even sure how we can contribute toward keeping the oceans thriving. Maybe this is something I need to read up on and learn more about.

    So that is all for this week. Stay tuned for an interesting story in next week’s post. Take care!

    stinkythepig japan 5 Medium e1375793399532 297x450 Whale Sharks

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    stinkythepig japan 2 Medium 450x297 Whale Sharks

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