Posts in : heroes

  • Jun


    by Stinky
    posted in News
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    By definition, charity means the voluntary giving of help. It comes in all shapes and sizes. You walk down the street and see people giving their time to fund raise for a particular charity. You hear stories of the ones who have remarkable skill in certain areas of expertise lending their know-how to charitable organisations. You also hear stories of unknown heroes who share their hard earned money with the less fortunate. All these acts are relative to what each individual has to offer. So whether the contribution is big or small, every little bit counts!

    But the act of charity is nothing without those who care enough to want to form an organization whose sole focus is to help the needy. To those special people who organise, plan and sacrifice what they have to do this we salute you. Recently we let you guys know about a charity event the team at stinkythepig participated in. We donated some of our wonderfully cute plush toys toward a silent auction. The proceeds of the auction would go toward an organisation called charity:water. They specialise in providing sustainable drinking water solutions to developing countries.

    We have heard back from the organisers of the event and have been told that they managed to raise over $2000 for this charity. There were even stories of people fighting over the stinkythepig plush toys because they were such a big hit. We as a team are so proud to have the opportunity to be a part of something worthwhile and extremely rewarding. It is always a good feeling knowing you have contributed toward a good cause.

    Speaking of good, we recently completed another product and will look to post it on the website for everyone to see! We will post it next week so stay tuned because we look forward to sharing it with you!

    stinky the pig charity 431x450 Charity

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  • Nov

    Stinky the Cat

    by Stinky
    posted in Stories
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    This edition of Stinky is dedicated to the faceless heroes – to all the people who do unseen acts of kindness and are never rewarded or acknowledged for them. We believe the world benefits from their acts and we would like to acknowledge all of them. It is through these selfless individuals that really help us realise our true potential as a collective. Cheers to you all! So how do we repay these phantom doers of good? Continue in their footsteps and show the same kindness towards a stranger. I’m sure they would be over the moon. We gain the most, when we give.


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