Posts in : Heart

  • Aug


    by Stinky
    posted in News
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    Last week as I was catching up on the news, I came across an article that really touched my heart. I’m not sure if any of you have heard about it or even read it. Author George Saunders recently gave a speech to a group of willful students graduating from university. I’m sure there would be some of you who have attended countless graduations and heard similar renditions of a well-wishing farewell speech to a bunch of kids who have no idea how the real world works. So what was so different about this particular speech that made me really think about life – more importantly my own life – and the things that I could have done to be a little bit kinder to family, a friend, a partner or simply a stranger. But before I talk about the lines that really hit me, I want to encourage you to read the speech for yourself to see whether there is any impact on you.

    You can read the full speech here:

    So what did you guys think? I’m really hoping that it left an impression with you in some way.  The speech in its entirety is phenomenal. There is an element to it that I found to be extremely personal, real and raw. What really stood out to me are the following two lines:

    1.       What I regret most in my life are failures of kindness.

    2.       Do those things that incline you toward the big questions, and avoid the things that would reduce you and make you trivial.

    Too often do we all look back at previous experiences and regret one thing or another. But in all honesty I had never questioned myself and asked whether I could have been a little kinder to someone that I had just met or a loved one or a colleague who had made a silly mistake. I look back now and realise that these times where I was easily angered mean absolutely nothing now. Oh how we are masters in hindsight. Such is the fault of being human. But you know what? We can change this starting from today. We can look forward and think about all the things we can gradually do to make not only our life better, but the lives of others too – a smile, a hello or good morning, a shake of the hands, a sporadic high five.

    I know this post may sound a little corny and resembles that of a self-help topic. I assure you that it is not. I simply wanted to share how much this opened my eyes to something that I had never thought of. I really hope that in way or another, it brings a little clarity to your life. Take care!
    stinkythepig japan 3 Medium e1375793518506 297x450 Kindness


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  • Mar

    Big ears are meant for listening

    by Stinky
    posted in News
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    There was something that came to me recently. People like to tell me their problems. And what makes this an even better recipe is that I don’t mind listening. Previous experiences have taught me that the key to any relationship (friends, family and/or lovers) is that you need to listen with your heart rather than your ears. When we hear things, we don’t really take into consideration body language or eye contact or facial expressions. We hear the words and sometimes brush it off as a non-event. The times where we actually put ourselves into someone else life and empathise with every aspect, we soon start to realise that problems that may seem trivial to us are quite the opposite when you are the one involved.

    So this post wasn’t really about telling everyone to go and get their ears checked. It was more to open our eyes, ears and hearts to the people around us. Too often do we see the consequences – relationships ending, family members becoming estranged and the friends who unfriend one another. All we are saying is to put a little more effort into something which should come natural to us – and that is to care for those worth caring for. Give a little of your time to listen. Don’t be the person that is always too busy to do anything. The most precious thing in this universe is time because when it passes it doesn’t come back. You all knew this but it is good to be reminded. So why don’t you share the most precious treasure and give a little of your time to others.

    Something worth thinking about. Take care.

    Stinky Listen 450x297 Big ears are meant for listening


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