Posts in : Asia

  • Mar

    You can’t choose your family… but you can choose to love them

    by Stinky
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    Today marks the 75th birthday for my father. Food and cakes aside, you look at a man that has been through war, famine, struggles and triumphs and think to yourself ‘What have I accomplished in this life? What will be my legacy when I leave?’ For my father it is easy enough to list; for me it seems somewhat harder – could it possibly be because I do not have a family of my own? You hear stories of people doing miraculous and in some cases almost superhuman things to protect and provide for their families. I have even heard of a mother lifting a car off of her crushed child. Whether this is the truth or a fictional tale, it’s there to remind us that family is precious. So take the time to tell your parents that you are sorry when the need arises, and show them that you love them when you can. Most times they will act as though it is nothing, but deep down inside you know it makes them happy.

    On another note, Sydney’s weather has been quite unpredictable lately. Could it be because we have been Degenerised? What’s that you ask? Ellen! You know… Ellen Degeneres. Absolutely everyone is on the band wagon. Why not I say! Her contagious smile just makes you want to be happy and dance. Did you know she’s also a vegan? What a great role model.

    So as you are all aware, Stinky has travelled to some awesome locations throughout Asia. But there is so much of the world left for Stinky to see. What we want is your help! Tell us on our Facebook page (or in the comments section below), where in the world you think Stinky should visit next. To make your creative minds work a little harder, the person who suggests the most unique and fitting place for Stinky to visit will receive a plush toy! That’s right. We will post a 30cm stinkythepig plush toy to the person who is the most creative. The only catch is that we ask you to take a photo of yourself and Stinky and post it on our wall. It is that simple. So start thinking guys!

    We’ll leave it here for now. Check back in a fortnight to find out who we picked as the most creative.

    stinky fish 450x297 You can’t choose your family… but you can choose to love them


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  • Jan

    Be Free! Stinky goes to Asia

    by Stinky
    posted in News
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    Happy new year to all! We apologise for not wishing you one earlier. We felt that our post from last week was important, so we did not want to cloud it with any other messages. But that deed has been done and now we can focus on the brighter side of things.

    We went through some of the photos we had of Stinky in his travels and noticed a lovely picture of Stinky next to a picture of a little girl. But it wasn’t until recently that we noticed that there was text in the picture that read ‘Be Free’. So we thought whether there was any better advice you could give, other than to free yourself? Being free could apply to so many things and it is not until we learn to truly be free, that we are able to find the haven of happiness. So what are we so caught up in that we need to be reminded of something so simple? Financial stress, bad habits that are hard to shake, free from being forced to work, emotions and a world where love no longer rules supreme? I’m sure the list could go on forever.

    Having said all this, we think that true freedom is when your heart and mind act as one. So set yourself a goal, to put your hearts wishes into action. Whether it is mustering up the courage to the tell girl of the dreams that you love her, to sponsoring a child – go ahead and do it.

    Since we are on the topic of following your heart, Stinky is finally going to Asia. First stop Singapore. It is quite amazing that Stinky has probably travelled to more places than we have! We look forward to sharing more of his adventures in Asia when he returns. But we are more than excited to see what he will get up to. If you live abroad, and would like to help Stinky in his travels, send us an email at and we can try and organise something.

    Until next we meet, it is Bon Voyage for now.


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