Posts in : curiosity

  • Nov

    Stinky the Cat

    by Stinky
    posted in Stories
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    This edition of Stinky is dedicated to the faceless heroes – to all the people who do unseen acts of kindness and are never rewarded or acknowledged for them. We believe the world benefits from their acts and we would like to acknowledge all of them. It is through these selfless individuals that really help us realise our true potential as a collective. Cheers to you all! So how do we repay these phantom doers of good? Continue in their footsteps and show the same kindness towards a stranger. I’m sure they would be over the moon. We gain the most, when we give.


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  • Oct

    Stinky the Snorkeller

    by Stinky
    posted in Stories
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    Stinky stood there, watching the ripples in the water. Oh how he loved the water. It has always been a wish of his to see the ocean.

    ‘Why you looking into the water bucket Stinky?’ Cheesy asked

    ‘Yeah what are you looking at Stinky?’ echoed Ugg.

    That was how Stinky used to spend some days. He would stand and dream of the day he would be able to see the ocean. And now, right before his very eyes, was a miracle of Mother Nature in all its glory. (more…)

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