
Never too late!

by Stinky
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Never too late!


Have you ever heard people use the saying ‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks’. This saying has always baffled me. It’s like someone just woke up one day and decided to generalise against humanity and set limitations on pretty much everyone that ever existed. You hear countless stories of individuals achieving their life goals not whilst they were young and bold, but rather when they were older with experience and wisdom. This just goes to show that no matter where you are in your life, change (for better or worse) is possible. Yet somehow, most never dare to try. They wake up each day and dread going to work – too many deadlines, too much pressure, not paid enough money! They dream about their dream job but will never do anything about it. It’s kind of sad how society can trap you like that. I’m sure everyone has a thousand million interesting and imaginative things playing on their mind – ready to be unleashed in full force. All I say is – Dare to try. Why not?


And I say all this because recently I did something that could possibly change the direction of my future. And for this I am quite nervous and proud because I’m trying to do something different. It’s not always an easy decision to make and it’s not easy with the everyday pressures you have. But the paths are there for us to walk – but it really is up to us to take that first step and walk it. There needs to be a sense of adventure in life. Go out there and find your own adventure. Who knows, you might even enjoy yourself and have the time of your life.

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