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  • Apr

    Who said you’re too busy to relax?

    by Stinky
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    It’s not often that you get to go out and about to explore the wonders of the country you call home. But oft times it is not your inability to go that holds you back; its more your mind telling you that you’re too busy to relax. This is one of life’s conundrums and unfortunately many of us fall into this deep, dark and boring basket. But even in his busiest days, Stinky was able to take some much needed timeout to explore the north coast of New South Wales. You may have heard of the term God’s country used in abundance when people refer to Australia. And as pretentious as it sounds, we know that if this place ever existed, then it must be somewhere in this wonderful country of ours. So let’s not waffle on too much with words and let us show you some of the wonderful places Stinky was able to visit in his recent road trip.

    road trip2 306x450 Who said you’re too busy to relax?

    The most memorable thing about the road trip was being able to see the beautiful rolling hills of our northern countryside. The vibrant green grass stretched for as far as the eye could see.  But it wasn’t all grass and land. Stinky also ventured out on the open waters too. The lovely people at Nelson Bay Boat Hire were lovely enough to accommodate us and took us out to see dolphins! Little did we know that the dolphins weren’t allowed out to play but nonetheless, the beautiful waving and bobbing motion of the water really makes you forget all the worries of daily life.
    Boat hire 337x450 Who said you’re too busy to relax?

    Boat2 337x450 Who said you’re too busy to relax?

    Nostalgia almost got the better of Stinky also. There were farms and barns and tractors, much like the ones on the farm he grew up on. I guess the only thing that was missing were his friends and the sweet smell of freshly baked pumpkin pies. Apart from that, the scene was all too familiar with him. So he took a seat and rested beside a pond, he volunteered to work the tractor and even got up close and personal to a kangaroo. He tried to talk to it, but it looked a little rusty so he took a photo with him and left him to himself. Stinky tried his luck to work his way through the Wombat Warren Maze. It was hours and hours of fun but this was mainly because he couldn’t find his way out – it was probably an experience he wouldn’t forget anytime soon.
    Visting Farm3 450x337 Who said you’re too busy to relax?

    Friendly Kangaroo 337x450 Who said you’re too busy to relax?

    On a tractor 337x450 Who said you’re too busy to relax?

    Maze3 450x337 Who said you’re too busy to relax?

    Maze 450x337 Who said you’re too busy to relax?

    Another big hit (more for me than anyone else) was seeing all the old classic arcade games in a large tin shed. My all-time favourite game growing up was Street Fighter. So you could imagine how my smile stretched for miles and miles when I saw this game there. It was a pleasant walk down memory lane. There were other fun and exciting games there too. We spent a whole afternoon there reliving past in the present.

    Street Fighter 2 450x337 Who said you’re too busy to relax?

    So we’re all back home now and missing the time away. Trips come and go but memories stick with us forever. And sometimes the memories of being happy are more heartfelt than actually being away. So go out there and create happy memories with the ones you love. Bring the memories back and store them well. Open up and share them with your children and grandchildren and great grandchildren in the future. You never know, a little here and there might make the biggest difference.








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  • Apr


    by Stinky
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    Sometimes miracles just happen. But seldom do we open our eyes to see them. Routine sort of gets in the way and you tend to overlook the simple things that can oft times be inexplicable. So the reason for the late post was because I went to see a little miracle down in Melbourne. What is it you may ask? My nephew and his wife recently gave birth to a little girl. The miracle of creating life is a wondrous thing. But what makes it all the more special is that the little girl is the 1st fourth generation baby in our family. Yes that’s right – my parents child’s child’s child. Tongue twister right? So I’m lucky enough to be a Grand Uncle… or is it a Great Uncle? I could never tell the difference.

    On another note, I think Stinky has found it a little cumbersome to fly around the world. So I heard that he recently went on a road trip! That’s right. And what’s more interesting is that he has a bunch of photos being processed to show you a few things he got up to during his short holiday. Once he gets back, I’ll make sure to share some of the interesting stories with you. But until then, stay warm and safe. Winter is coming.stinky road trip 450x337 Miracles

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  • Apr

    Some things never change

    by Stinky
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    As far as the wind was concerned, it didn’t really have any regard towards the feelings of others. For those who feared the cold, it would howl and hiss and puff. There were others who liked the wind and they welcomed the gust that graced their skin. Others were indifferent whereby loving it or loathing it were things that never even crossed their minds. But no matter who you were, and whether your felt or heard or saw the wind, it remains constant – it will always exist.

    The sun was no different. It had no enemies because whether living or inanimate, there wasn’t anything that could ever best its fervor to remain hot. Ever unchanging to the whims of others, the sun remained what it was meant to be and that was to be a never ending source of light and heat. There are all sorts of different people who choose to live life the way they know best. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re a criminal or gangster, mother, father, sister, friend, teacher, hero, loser or winner because whichever life is chosen the sun will still shine on you. It will not discriminate based on size, colour, wealth or power because this ever unchanging provider is a lover of all beings.

    So what do you get when you combine the wind and the sun?


    Too often than not, trouble seems to find its way into everyone’s life. And although it is something that is relative to each individual’s circumstances, the feelings experienced are real. Sorrow. Torment. Displaced. There would be some that say hope does not exist or hope has let them down. But contrary to what most may think during times spent at the bottom of the sea, hope is ever-present and unchanged – it exists.

    Hope is also something that does not discriminate. It opens itself to everyone so long as they are willing to let it in. It cannot be defeated because hope, in the end, always triumphs. It comes in all shapes and sizes and usually engulfs you when you least expect it. It could be a hug from a stranger, a phone call from an old friend, a rekindling of a past flame or a simple smile. Regardless of what it is, it is powerful and warm and precious.

    Something to think about…

    Stinky In the Air 450x297 Some things never change

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  • Mar

    The good old days

    by Stinky
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    Happy Easter everyone. We hope that you are enjoying your much deserved long weekend. So I’m sitting in a shopping mall on Orchard Road Singapore writing to you. The hustle and bustle here is very hard to even get an opportunity to sit down and write something. Yesterday I visited Sentosa Island and found it hard to even walk because of all the people there. I thought it would be the wise thing to do and visit on a weekday but much to my dismay, I realised that Singapore also had a public holiday on Good Friday.

    As I walk the streets and see parents holding their children – laughing, joking and enjoying each others company – I start to think back to my childhood and remember all the good times I shared with my parents. It’s hard to imagine how much I had relied on them for enjoyment, nurturing and comfort. Sometimes I really wish I was a kid again because things were much more simpler. You were told what to do and if you didn’t execute you would be disciplined for it.

    Now when I see my parents, I see two strong hearted individuals who with age are becoming frail and forgetful. It reminds me of this story I was once told about a mischievous little boy. As a kid he was always getting into trouble. And each time he was caught red handed his mother would be the one to cane him. But even though his mother had hit him with all her might, he would stand there and not shed a single tear. As the years went by, he continued being the menace that he was and continued to reap the wraith of his mother’s beatings. A few more years had gone by and one day his mother had caught him once again doing something that he shouldn’t have. She took out her cane and unleashed her fury on him. But his time he could feel that something was different. His mother stopped her beating and watched in astonishnent as her son, for the first time that she could remember, stand there and cry. He cried and wiped his tears with his sleeve and walked over to whisper the word sorry whilst holding her with warm embrace. They both stood there crying. His mother stopped and was curious as to why her son had cried. She asked him why for the first time he had cried. He said that this time she didn’t hit him as hard and realised that his mother was getting older. He was sorry for all the trouble that he caused and decided to change. It is a short story, but as I write it I feel tears carve streaks down my cheeks as I think of my parents.

    It’s wonderful how friends and family get together during public holidays to share food and mingle. Everyone is so busy nowadays so you should really treasure the opportunity to get together and relax. We hope that the rest of the weekend showers you with good weather, good laughter and good times. Here’s to good health and the good old days. Cheers.

    Stinky Easter 450x198 The good old days

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  • Mar

    You can’t choose your family… but you can choose to love them

    by Stinky
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    Today marks the 75th birthday for my father. Food and cakes aside, you look at a man that has been through war, famine, struggles and triumphs and think to yourself ‘What have I accomplished in this life? What will be my legacy when I leave?’ For my father it is easy enough to list; for me it seems somewhat harder – could it possibly be because I do not have a family of my own? You hear stories of people doing miraculous and in some cases almost superhuman things to protect and provide for their families. I have even heard of a mother lifting a car off of her crushed child. Whether this is the truth or a fictional tale, it’s there to remind us that family is precious. So take the time to tell your parents that you are sorry when the need arises, and show them that you love them when you can. Most times they will act as though it is nothing, but deep down inside you know it makes them happy.

    On another note, Sydney’s weather has been quite unpredictable lately. Could it be because we have been Degenerised? What’s that you ask? Ellen! You know… Ellen Degeneres. Absolutely everyone is on the band wagon. Why not I say! Her contagious smile just makes you want to be happy and dance. Did you know she’s also a vegan? What a great role model.

    So as you are all aware, Stinky has travelled to some awesome locations throughout Asia. But there is so much of the world left for Stinky to see. What we want is your help! Tell us on our Facebook page (or in the comments section below), where in the world you think Stinky should visit next. To make your creative minds work a little harder, the person who suggests the most unique and fitting place for Stinky to visit will receive a plush toy! That’s right. We will post a 30cm stinkythepig plush toy to the person who is the most creative. The only catch is that we ask you to take a photo of yourself and Stinky and post it on our wall. It is that simple. So start thinking guys!

    We’ll leave it here for now. Check back in a fortnight to find out who we picked as the most creative.

    stinky fish 450x297 You can’t choose your family… but you can choose to love them


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  • Mar

    Big ears are meant for listening

    by Stinky
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    There was something that came to me recently. People like to tell me their problems. And what makes this an even better recipe is that I don’t mind listening. Previous experiences have taught me that the key to any relationship (friends, family and/or lovers) is that you need to listen with your heart rather than your ears. When we hear things, we don’t really take into consideration body language or eye contact or facial expressions. We hear the words and sometimes brush it off as a non-event. The times where we actually put ourselves into someone else life and empathise with every aspect, we soon start to realise that problems that may seem trivial to us are quite the opposite when you are the one involved.

    So this post wasn’t really about telling everyone to go and get their ears checked. It was more to open our eyes, ears and hearts to the people around us. Too often do we see the consequences – relationships ending, family members becoming estranged and the friends who unfriend one another. All we are saying is to put a little more effort into something which should come natural to us – and that is to care for those worth caring for. Give a little of your time to listen. Don’t be the person that is always too busy to do anything. The most precious thing in this universe is time because when it passes it doesn’t come back. You all knew this but it is good to be reminded. So why don’t you share the most precious treasure and give a little of your time to others.

    Something worth thinking about. Take care.

    Stinky Listen 450x297 Big ears are meant for listening


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  • Mar

    A Pleasant Reminder

    by Stinky
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    There are times where you tend to forget about what you should be doing. We tend to lose ourselves when we get trapped by what we call routine. Sometimes there is a way out; other times there is no way out. But for most of us, we are lucky enough to have loving friends and family who pull us out and make us pay attention to what is great and wonderful and perfect.

    A good friend of mine recently showed me something I wrote almost a year back. It was brief but very powerful now. Let me share a little of it with you

    This time last year the devastating tsunami struck Japan. I will always remember it because I was there. During times of crisis, we tend to forget about all the small things which we believe make up our lives (ie. work, study etc). I know for me, I was thinking about my loved ones – family, partner, friends. You tend to think about the memories you shared and the time spent with one another.

    Having read it again, I’m not really sure what to write. All I can say is hug your loved ones a little tighter, tell your friends that you appreciate them, let random people be touched by your smile.

    One last thing, since the launch of the website, we have had over 2300 visitors and a whopping 15000+ page views. We are more than pleased to have been able to provide content which is interesting enough for you to read. We hope that you continue to visit as it inspires us to write more.

    That is all for now. Stay safe!

    Stinky the pig A Pleasant Surprise 450x297 A Pleasant Reminder


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  • Feb

    Happy Lunar New Year

    by Stinky
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    Hey guys! Happy Lunar New Year! Today marks the start of the lunar New Year to all that follow and know about it. And if you don’t really know about it, I am sure you would have seen some sort of festivities from the Asian community. So it is the year of the Black Snake. What does it really mean?

    Well if you read up on your zodiac signs, it would tell you that families with someone who is born in the year of the snake will not go hungry. Men who are snakes are usually romantic and charming. Ladies who are born in the year of the snake are beautiful and successful. But be careful, they tend to lean toward the jealous side.

    But snakes can also be wise and become very successful. They say that a snake is a thinker, so naturally they would excel in the world of academia. And if you are a business minded person, you would not have to worry about money – you are naturally successful. This is because snakes can face a difficult situation and solve it quickly and quietly. That is the nature of a snake.

    But having said everything above, we simply cannot live by what has been ordained in some script. Each individual needs to find their own personality, their own qualities, and their own success. As we all know, nothing gets delivered to us on a silver platter. Personal achievement is measured by the effort you exert rather than what you reap. And to those who are worried about finding a partner, it does not matter whether they are a snake, dog or dragon. When you find the one that melts your heart, you will know. And even if the zodiac readings tell you otherwise, if they are the one, then you will have nothing to worry about.

    So from the team at stinkythepig, we want to wish you all a safe and prosperous New Year. We hope that you will be able to fulfill your goals for the coming year. Stay healthy and strong for yourself and your loved ones. Treat the people you love and care about with utmost sincerity and above all else, stay true to yourself. Blessings be upon you.

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  • Feb

    Stinky goes to Taiwan

    by Stinky
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    So having already tasted parts of Asia, it was time to see beautiful Taiwan. And I say beautiful with a little bias. Although I have no ancestral connections to the country whatsoever, it is a place that is very dear to my heart. So what did Stinky think? He loved it. It is crowded just like the other countries he visited, but the thing that sets it apart are the lovely people here. Yes, there are still the odd few that test your patience however, overall is was a fantastic experience. Food is cheap. FOOD IS CHEAP!!! There is no better place in the world to make your already chubby body chubbier. It is just so joyful to stuff your body with food in Taiwan. They have a saying here about the all you can eat places. Polite people would call it eat till you are full. But as your know, Asians really love to get the most of their money. So the more direct people would say eat till you vomit – it really just depends how local you are. (more…)

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  • Jan

    Stinky visits Singapore, Hong Kong and China

    by Stinky
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    Before we delve into Stinky’s adventures in Asia thus far, we would like to wish all you fellow Australians a Happy Australia Day. And although we only have one day to celebrate why we live in such a wonderful country, I think most would agree that we are grateful each and every day. Australia is a land of diversity – a land that accepts and embraces each others differences. So we want to say thanks to the land that has provided so much for us and our families. Australia Day wouldn’t be what it is without a day off. It would almost be Unaustralian without one. However you choose to spend your long weekend – we hope you have a great one.

    So let’s talk a little about Stinky’s travels so far. First stop was the western world’s gateway to Asia – Singapore. And we call it the gateway to Asia because if there were a book called ‘Asia for dummies’ then Singapore would be the place to visit first. Almost everyone in Singapore speaks English. Ok, I’m lying. They speak Singlish – it is English with a twist. But jokes aside, Singapore is a vibrant metropolis filled with people of all cultural backgrounds, food, shopping, food, shopping, food and more shopping. Wait… did I mention that there’s food?

    But if you are looking for a place to unwind, then Singapore wouldn’t be the place for you. It is a small city-state that is densely populated. The hustle and bustle of city life quick engulfs you and you realise that you have to adapt or get trampled. Don’t get me wrong though, Singapore is a fantastic place to visit. Each time Stinky came out to play, everyone stopped and stared and wondered why he had to take so many photos. But they soon got used to him and was intrigued at his cute looks. It is true that wherever Stinky goes, people love him.

    Next was Hong Kong and China. I might talk about China first given that I don’t have much to say about it. It was Stinky’s first time to the mainland and for a first experience it was very timid. The place we visited was called Shunde. Shunde is mostly famous for manufacturing whitegoods. So if you just stepped away from your laptop for a moment to look for something to eat inside your fridge, chances are it was made in Shunde. Apart from staying in the all luxurious Sheraton Hotel, there wasn’t much else to see. Stinky tried the locals favourite dessert. It is said that during peak hours, people would line up for ages just to have a bowl of milk pudding. So it was a pudding, made with milk and sugar. It was good, but likely an acquired taste. We look forward to a return trip to China soon though, because for such a vast land, we saw so little of it. Oh, there’s also the rumour that Stinky was born in China too, but who really is to know? simple smile Stinky visits Singapore, Hong Kong and China

    Ok Hong Kong. Hong Kong! Hong… Kong. It is a crazy place to say the least. If you think Singapore is crowded, Hong Kong must be the equivalent of living in a sardine tin. People are EVERYWHERE! Following on from before, if there were a book two for ‘Asia for dummies’ then it would tell you to visit Hong Kong. Almost everyone speaks English given its history with the British. You will see many expats roaming Hong Kong Island compared to Kowloon island. Being a super fast paced place, you need to move fast otherwise you will be on the end of a verbal firing line. Escalators are tuned to move at light speed and travelators help usher people to places with haste. And through it all, you come to realise that it is a system that works.

    So why do people come to Hong Kong? Like the rest of Asia, it is a place filled with great food, funky beverages and an unending amount of shops to explore. Here you will notice lines outside the designers brands on Canton Road. We hardly see these lines in Sydney. People in Hong Kong are very fashion forward people who place a strong emphasis on branded goods. Stinky enjoyed being amongst the crowd. And just like in Singapore, people would stop and smile at him. So much love.

    So that’s all for now. Next stop Taiwan!

    t Stinky visits Singapore, Hong Kong and China t Stinky visits Singapore, Hong Kong and China

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