Posts in : Stories

  • Nov

    Stinky the Cat

    by Stinky
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    This edition of Stinky is dedicated to the faceless heroes – to all the people who do unseen acts of kindness and are never rewarded or acknowledged for them. We believe the world benefits from their acts and we would like to acknowledge all of them. It is through these selfless individuals that really help us realise our true potential as a collective. Cheers to you all! So how do we repay these phantom doers of good? Continue in their footsteps and show the same kindness towards a stranger. I’m sure they would be over the moon. We gain the most, when we give.


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  • Nov

    Stinky the Monk

    by Stinky
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    The way of the thousand trotters. Hyper oink super breath. Heavenly knuckle. Sty roll from Orion.

    There are many more techniques for one to learn. This comes when the student is ready and the teacher is willing. The process to readiness is earned not won. Patience above all is the most powerful stance. This one learns very quickly yet masters very slowly. (more…)

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  • Oct

    Stinky the Angel and Devil

    by Stinky
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    stinky angel Stinky the Angel and Devil

    Has there ever been a moment in your life where you needed to stop and make a choice. But before the decision is made, you weigh the options, process complex arithmetic and compare the pros with the cons. And once your mind decides what is the most logical and correct course of action, you go and do the total opposite. That’s the way things are and I am sure there is someone out there that can provide reason for our madness.

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  • Oct

    Stinky the Snorkeller

    by Stinky
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    Stinky stood there, watching the ripples in the water. Oh how he loved the water. It has always been a wish of his to see the ocean.

    ‘Why you looking into the water bucket Stinky?’ Cheesy asked

    ‘Yeah what are you looking at Stinky?’ echoed Ugg.

    That was how Stinky used to spend some days. He would stand and dream of the day he would be able to see the ocean. And now, right before his very eyes, was a miracle of Mother Nature in all its glory. (more…)

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  • Sep

    When Stinky Met Pretty

    by Stinky
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    Most people don’t believe in love. They think it is too far out of reach. And it is these people that become the greatest advocates for love, when they end up experiencing what they thought only existed in fairy tales.

    The thing is… love is never inexistent. It is always there – no matter how small it may be. It’s not one of those things that gradually grow on you. Ok for some it does – snow ball effect right? Sometimes love comes spontaneously. Hits you when you least expect it. And it is not until you get hit right in the middle of your face with love that you realise how truly great a feeling it is. It is like a warm summer’s day. It is like hot chocolate on a cold night. It is like teddy bears, flowers, slippery slides and igloos.


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  • Sep

    Stinky the Graduate

    by Stinky
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    This week’s post is dedicated to all the graduates that have toiled and sacrificed and even cried over the time they spent in university. The reason we chose to post the picture of the graduate as Stinky’s first costume was simply because my niece recently graduated with a Bachelors degree in Commerce. As an Uncle, it was a proud day for me because at that moment I saw that she had grown into an adult rather than seeing her as just a kid. There are many more words of praise and congratulations that I can say but I will leave it here.


    Have you ever been bullied? Stinky remembered a time where the neighbouring animals would tease and curse and laugh at him. He remembered how they used to constantly remind him that he was good for nothing and that he should stick with something more suited for him – rolling around in the mud and eating. Oh how those words would hurt him. Each time he would sit and ask why the world was so unkind and why it had to be him. There was pain, hurt and there were many tears shed.


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  • Sep

    Stinky – The First Story

    by Stinky
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    There was a farm. There were animals. There was farm equipment and machinery. There was the smell of freshly baked pie – pumpkin pie to be exact. Most importantly, there was a barn. And so the story begins, within the barn, with animals, on the farm with equipment, machinery and sweet-smelling pumpkin pie.

    The barn was filled with an eclectic mix of animals. You know, the typical bunch you would commonly see in cartoons and animations – some wise, some mean, some happy and some that just made noises at the most inappropriate of times.


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