
Birthday Wishes

by Stinky
posted in News
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So today, it seems, is a special day. It is my birthday you see, and I was fortunate enough to receive many blessings from those kind enough to. I am deeply grateful and wish you good tidings for a wonderful future. But I don’t want to make it seem as though I live for this moment. We age and get a little older year by year. And although there is little we can do about it, I find it a lot more rewarding and worthwhile when we share a little bit of our heart and soul with the people you meet. Because life is not about celebrating one day, but rather celebrating what we do between our birthdays that really count. Who have we helped? Who have we inspired? Who have we motivated? Who have we touched? That seems a little more rewarding than blowing candles from a cake. And lastly, to my family, friends, acquaintances and strangers – I thank you all for the long and brief moments we shared. You have made me who I am today.

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