
Did anyone call for a real doctor?

by Stinky
posted in News
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DOCTORMEME 410x450 Did anyone call for a real doctor?



The reason I posted this picture is because I am sick. I am a recovering sick person. I had (and possibly still have) high temperature and am constantly coughing. So what happens when a relatively fit person, who watches what he eats, gets sick? Everyone around you starts to question how relative keeping fit is to how healthy you are. But I guess this is something quite normal. We are trained from a very young age to look for flaws rather than perfections. But catching a virus borne from contagion or having the odd increase in temperature just goes to show that we are beings made of flesh.


So I just wanted to apologise for the lack of presence. I will be back in action very, very soon! In the meantime, look after yourself. And if you are unwell, please don’t go to school or work. Although sharing is caring; sickness is one thing best kept contained. Speak soon!

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